NY Sweet Corn Trap Network Report 9.3.24

Twenty-eight sites reporting this week. European corn borer (ECB)-E  was trapped at two sites and ECB-Z was trapped at two sites. Corn earworm (CEW) was trapped at 22 sites, with 21 sites high enough to be on a 3, 4, 5 or 6 day spray schedule (see chart below). Fall armyworm (FAW) was caught at eight sites and Western bean cutworm (WBC) was caught at four of the reporting sites.

The graph below shows the average trap catch for each moth species. FAW numbers remain low for most of the season. CEW decreased slightly last week but now seem to be increasing again. CEW were caught in high enough numbers at 21 of the sites to drive the spray schedule. Those sprays should also control the other worm pests. However, sprays are not required for fields that are within a week of harvest. Also if daily maximum temperatures are less than 80° F for the previous 2-3 days then add one day to the recommended spray interval.

Average sweet corn trap catches from 5.28.24– 9.3.24.

Average sweet corn trap catches from 5.28.24– 9.3.24.


ECB development based on accumulated degree days (Base 86/50).

ECB development based on accumulated degree days (Base 86/50).


Table showing trap catch for 8.27.24 - 9.3.24.

Table showing trap catch for 8.27.24 – 9.3.24.


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