
This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA-NIFA project 2021-70006-35672.

The purpose of this site is to provide weekly reports from the NY sweet corn pheromone trap network.  The trap network is a collaboration between the NYS IPM Program, local Cornell Cooperative Extension programs, farmers, and crop consultants.  We also provide scouting and threshold information for fresh market sweet corn and links to resources on the major sweet corn insect and disease pests.  The information on these pages is maintained by Marion Zuefle, Vegetable IPM Extension Area Educator with the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program, with help from Craig Cramer, Communications Specialist with the Department of Horticulture at Cornell University.
To contact Marion: mez4@cornell.edu

Aerial Google photograph of the locations of Sweet Corn Pheromone Traps in Western (pink) and Eastern (blue) NY. Click on image to view larger map.

Location of Sweet Corn Pheromone Traps in Western (pink) and Eastern (blue) NY. Click on image to view larger map.