European corn borer (ECB) numbers are low across the area this week, with high catches of 6 E-race and 4 Z-race moths in Baldwinsville. Corn earworm (CEW) catches are spotty, with counts in Cayuga county high enough to call for a 4 day spray schedule in green silk stage fields, and 5-6 day intervals at several other locations. Fall armyworm catches remain low, with only five locations reporting catches, all in the single digits. Western bean cutworm (WBC) catches continue to taper off, with high catches of 11 and 16 in Chautauqua and Erie counties. Where corn earworm are not being caught in high enough numbers to determine the spray schedule, and WBC catches have been high, scout fields in the late whorl stage and further for ECB and WBC eggs and larvae. See last week’s report for a link to a video on scouting for WBC, and the links to the right for more information on identification. Ontario is recommending a threshold for WBC of 5% infested plants.