European corn borer trap catches remain zero or in the low single digits this week. Scout tassel emergence stage fields for larvae and feeding damage in the emerging tassel. The treatment threshold at tassel emergence is 15% infested plants. In heavily infested fields, treat when 25-50% of tassels have emerged and just started to open, and again when 75-100% are open. This may be less than one week. In fields with lighter infestations, one application, at 50-75% tassel emergence may be enough. Good timing and coverage at tassel emergence, combined with low trap catches means that the tassel emergence sprays may take you to harvest where corn earworm are not being caught. But, scout silk stage fields for small larvae and egg masses to confirm. Focus on the ear zone, from the leaf above the top ear to the leaf below the bottom ear, scouting for ECB egg masses or newly hatched larvae. The treatment threshold in silk stage fields is 5% infested plants.
Corn earworm are being caught at several locations, with numbers high enough to determine spray intervals in Eden (see the table below). No fall armyworm were caught this week, and western bean cutworm were caught in low numbers at several locations.