WNY Sweet Corn Trap Network Report 8.23.11
European corn borer trap catches are zero or in the single digits at most locations this week, with the exception of one site in Yates county where ECB-Z numbers remain high. Corn earworm numbers are variable, but they are being caught at most locations this week. Several locations have counts justifying a 4 day spray schedule. Fall armyworm and western bean cutworm are both being caught in low numbers at less than half the trapping locations this week.
Where CEW are being caught in high enough numbers to drive the spray schedule, the other worm pests should also be controlled. At locations with low CEW numbers, scout tassel emergence and silk stage fields for ECB and WBC egg masses and larvae. If WBC are present, use a threshold of 1% infested plants. If they are not being found, use the usual thresholds of 15% infested plants at tassel emergence and 5% in silk stage fields.