September 25, 2024

NY Sweet Corn Trap Network Report 9.24.24

This will be the last post of the season. I would like to thank all of the cooperators for helping to collect data this year. Please contact me with any questions or suggestions for improvements (

Fourteen sites reporting this last week. European corn borer (ECB)-E was detected at four sites, and ECB-Z was found at two site. Corn earworm (CEW) was caught at 11 sites, with all 11 high enough to be on a 4, 5 or 6 day spray schedule (see table below). Fall armyworm (FAW) was caught at four sites this week and no Western bean cutworm (WBC) caught this week.

Below are graphs of the moth flights for 2024 and 2023 for comparison. ECB-E and ECB-Z trap catch numbers were higher in the beginning of 2024 as compared to 2023 and ECB-Z was higher also towards the end of 2024. CEW numbers started earlier this year but had a much lower peak (33 moths average) as compared to 2023 (with an average peak of 67).  FAW flight remained low for most of the season, this was similar to 2023.trap catches at all sites this year as compared to previous years. The WBC peak dropped form an average of 71 in 2023 to an average of 31 in 2024. The peak continues to occur late July into early August.

Average sweet corn trap catches from 5.28.24– 9.24.24.

Average sweet corn trap catches from 5.28.24– 9.24.24.


Average sweet corn trap catches from 5.30.23– 9.26.23.

Average sweet corn trap catches from 5.30.23– 9.26.23.


The SCPTN started in 1993 and monitored for ECB-E and ECB-Z. In 1997 CEW and FAW were added and in 2010 WBC was added to the trapping effort. Below are graphs showing the populations trends in NY over those years. Keep in mind that trapping locations do change from year to year as new cooperators start while others are unable to continue. The graphs represent general trends for the state. From the graphs below you can see that ECB numbers have been low for the past 10+ years.  WBC numbers have come back down from a peak in 2023. CEW numbers have increased over the past 5 years and FAW has been fairly low for the past 2 years.

Average trap catches 1993-2024 for ECB-E and ECB-Z.

Average trap catches 1993-2024 for ECB-E and ECB-Z.


Average sweet corn pheromone trap catches 1993-2024 for CEW, FAW and WBC.

Average sweet corn pheromone trap catches 1993-2024 for CEW, FAW and WBC.


Average sweet corn trap catches from 5.28.24– 9.24.24.

Table showing trap catch for 9.10.24 – 9.17.24.


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